Sunday, April 13, 2014

You're Dangerous By Casey McMillin

You're Dangerous By Casey McMillin

E-Book Cost: $2.99

Rating: 4.5/5

I received an ARC from the author for my honest review.

I found myself smiling a lot during this one and I am not entirely sure why. I think part of the reason was the way the two of them interacted throughout the story; it was adorable.  I just loved how they flirted with each other.

Hannah just graduated high school is ready to spread her wings and test herself in a new city on her own. Jason is a very successful song writer who is used to getting exactly what he wants. I think what bonds the two of them together is how creative they both are.

I really liked Hannah in this story as I thought it was entertaining how she would turn people and certain situations into cartoons often in a comical way to portray them how they really are as opposed to how they present themselves in public. I also liked how she would be confident one moment and then have the "oh crap what did I do" moment not that long after. Because lets face it we have all been in situations with a guy where we decided to put ourselves out there in a moment of excitement and then quickly went "what was I thinking?!!" and search for a place to run and hide.

Jason on the other hand is very confident in himself as he has never really been denied before. Although it is clear the two of them are attracted to each other Hannah can't just ignore his promiscuous past.

Overall a fun read that you will not want to put down!! I had to force myself to put it down one night because it was way past when I should have been sleeping but then couldn't actually fall asleep because I was too excited about the book! I promise you will be in a happy giddy mood by the end of this one!

I can't wait to see how this plays out as a series; will it be Hannah and Jason throughout or are we going to get a new couple every book? I am guessing a new couple but who? I am thinking there could be something with the best friends but we shall see!!

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